Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Goverment Needs a Diet

    The Founding Fathers gave the United States government many responsibilities.  However, health issues are not part of government functions.  The Government should not command the American people to follow their position on dietary and medical advise.
  The Nixon administration demonstrated that the government is not capable of taking care of Americans health needs.  In 1971 under President Nixon’s desire, Congress passed the National Cancer Act, which led to the war on Cancer.  Ned Rice points out that “In 1975, 19.2 percent of all U.S. deaths were from cancer. In 2002, 22.8 percent of all U.S.”   After billions of dollars spent on research that did not succeed, Ned Rice concludes that, “It’s time to face the fact that the war on cancer is over, and that cancer has won.”  At least, this example shows that the government has not always been successful in its efforts of keeping the American people safe. The failure of war on cancer verifies that the government cannot efficiently or effectively control health problems. 
    From the early 1900’s, the government has tried to tell the American people what is healthiest foods for them.  However, their dietary advise changes frequently.  About twenty years ago the USDA produced the food pyramid which suggested that carbohydrates should compromise the majority of an American’s diet.  This year the USDA came out with “The plate and the moon” which is supposed to replace food triangle. The latest food plan (above) shows a greater balance of food types than the earlier carbohydrate heavy pyramid.  In just two decades, the food plan administered by the government has changed dramatically.  Nutritionists, doctors, and scientists bicker over what a healthy diet consists of.  For example, although popular, low fat diets are challenged by many.  As times change, so does the health consensus.  At one point in time, refined white four was extolled at extremely healthy, but now it is almost universally regarded with contempt.  Continually changing, dietary health is an extremely fickle subject.  The government should not tell us what to eat and what not to eat.  They have science to support them, but scientist are in disagreement.  And, perhaps tomorrow new break through experiments will prove that are latest government mandated food plan is defective.
    In America, people should have the freedom to decide for themselves or consult specialists what is best for their health.  Government interference is not helpful and is a waste of federal dollars. 


  1. In one of my classmate’s articles, The Government Needs a Diet, Grace believes that the government should not be involved with Americans’ health issues. I, however, strongly disagree. The government is supposed to help protect the citizens of our nation, and because many deaths could be prevented from unhealthy diets, why not have the government pursue making America healthier?
    One who consumes an unhealthy diet has a higher chance of obesity, a stroke, and high blood pressure. When having to pay for each immediate health problem, the cost begins to add up, which hurts people financially. It is stated in the Healthier Americans for a Healthier Economy article, obesity can add up to “$4 billion for health care, $5 billion for lost productivity and absenteeism and $321 million for disability.” And if the health issues continue to rise, the nation’s workforce could also be affected because of the lack of wellness. More people will begin to fall terminally ill and may become severely affected to where they are unable to work.
    Because many people die from a result of cancer, the government should not give up on supporting the cancer foundation by donating money. Even if “billions of dollars spent on research that did not succeed,” does not mean that a cure will never be found. What would our nation be like today if the government had always given up on their goals?
    Eating unhealthy also affects people during their daily routine. One who does not consume healthy meals will usually have a decrease in productivity, making him or her lazier with a lack of motivation. Children that have an unhealthy diet are more likely do worse in school. In the Guidelines for School Health Programs, it is said that “Even moderate under nutrition can have lasting effects on children’s cognitive development and school performance.”
    As time changes, meal plans will also continue to change in order to form a healthier, more nutritional diet. Each year, people will learn new information about which food is better to consume than other foods. So why shouldn’t the government guide the nation to a better meal plan that will help keep the citizens healthy? They are trying to help us and lead our country in the correct health direction. When it comes to saving lives and producing a stronger, healthier, more suitable nation, I believe that federal dollars are not being wasted.

  2. It will be very hard to reasonably argue when we have a different idea of what government should be. You say "The government is supposed to help protect the citizens of our nation." However, the protection of the people has a limit. I agree that the government should protect us from international war affairs, but there is a limit to protection. We would have protection from thieves if a policeman lived in every house, but then we would have a government run by the police. Likewise, the government should not protect us from something as personal as the foods we choose to eat. Just because I don't think the government should tell us what to eat, does not mean I don't think healthy diets are advantageous. The government has spent and is spending many efforts to help with dieting, but obesity is still extremely high in America. So, some would agree that these federal dollars are wasted or at least not put to the best use. People should try to eat healthier, but the government is not the one to help them with that task. Doctors and nutritionists are the trained professionals for the job not bureaucrats in congress.

  3. I agree with Grace's "The Government Needs a Diet" article in that the government should have less interference in our lives. We should have the right to decide what is best for us. It is our responsibility to educate ourselves on what we need to eat and how big portion sizes are. I also think that if the government is going to have any interference into our diets then it should only be one where they make recommendations like the MyPlate. They should only really let the people know of what the recommended servings are and such. After that the responsibility falls to the people.
